Final Opening

Shot list

Shot list

Shot one – Close up of the light bulb flickering, this shot will be a close up and will last 3 seconds.
Shot two – close up of a foot nervously tapping representing fear. This show will go on for 3 seconds.
Shot Three – door opening slowly to the room of the interview. This will be a match on action shot. This shot will last for 5 seconds.
Shot four – Over the shoulder shot of the interview table. This shot goes on for 5 seconds.
Shot five - Close up of Charlie Ann before she is about to get interviewed. This will last 3 seconds.
Shot six – Close up of the interviewer. This shot will last 3 seconds.
Shot seven - Charlie Ann getting interviewed, this show goes on for 15 seconds.
Shot eight – Static transition, this shot goes on for 2 seconds.
Shot nine – establishing shot of the school. This shot goes on for 3 seconds.
Shot ten/eleven/ twelve – See shots of outside the school, inside the school and the corridor. In the corridor shot the lights will flicker to make the character scared. Each of these shots goes on for 3 seconds.
Shot thirteen - Two of the characters walking into the classroom.
Shot fourteen – Match on action shot of Charlie Ann shutting the door.
Shot fifthteen - This shot is of the girls getting their school books. This will be a medium long shot.
Shot sixteen - this shot will show a clock saying 4 o’clock; this will fade out and fade back to 6 o’ clock. This shows that time has changed.
Shot seventeen - The door opens slightly; this goes on for 3 seconds and will be a medium long shot.
Shot eighteen – Charlie Ann walking up to the door and walking down the corridor till she reaches the end.
Shot nineteen – Charlie Ann stops at the end of the corridor to stop to think about what is going on.  She then starts to walk back. This will be a long shot. 
Shot Twenty - As Charlie Ann walks back down the corridor the doors start to slam open and closed.
Shot twenty one - Charlie Ann opens one of the doors to see what is going on. A figure appears behind her.
Shot twenty two – Charlie Ann sees a knife with blood dripping off of it.
Shot twenty three – Charlie Ann then walks back to the media room.
Shot twenty Four - Match on action shot of the door opening and closing.
Shot twenty five – Close up of Charlie Ann’s eyes looking scared.
Shot twenty six – Charlie Ann sees Emma lying on the table dead.  

evidence of how our plannig fits with research.

Genre conventions and our production

How our film relates to standard horror conventions

Camera shots:

Our film has multiple camera shots that relate to the horror genre. An example is the high angle shots which will be present throughout the piece, especially in the first few shots in the interview room at the beginning of the piece. We also utilise depth of field in the corridor scenes to create suspense as people move a lot more slowly in these scenes. All of these shots are widely utilised to create tension and increase immersion within horror films and we plan to use them to the best of our abilities.


Lighting is by far one of our most important factors we need to incorporate into our theme. We plan to film in the dark, to create an atmosphere of fear and tension much like camera shots are used for. Every horror film ALWAYS incorporates dark lighting so not having it would be hugely detrimental to our final piece.

We will have two characters present in the opening scene, and these adhere to modern horror conventions. We will try to utilise “the blonde”who inevitably dies first (who is Emma in this case) and also the heroine (who is Charlie-Ann) who represents purity and being a saviour. We will also briefly incorporate the iconic villain which is present in a lot of horror films, but only very briefly as we do not want to devalue the enigma code in the opening scene.


We plan to film at school, but at night when the school is empty and rather dark. This sense of subverted familiarity is a very scary concept as it changes the audience’s perception of a place.


Our film will include exaggerated diegetic sound in order build up tension within the film and scare the audience right off the bat, and will also include short and brief non-diegetic sounds in order to shock the audience, both of these and standard conventions.


Storyboard Voiceover

Prop List

Horror film titles

Risk Assesment

Production Diary.





Photos of the group working.

This shows Emma drawing the storyboard.

This shows Nick filling in the timeline of the opening scene.

This shows Charlie and Kieran looking for examples of horror titles from other horror films.

Mood board

In our mood board there are film that we have used as insperation to think of ideas for our film. The main film that we used as inspiration was The Conjuring . Other ideas from other films such as props eg dolls we put in as ideas for our filming.

Timeline Sequence - World War Z

From 0-3 seconds, this is shown. This tells you the production of the company. The background is dark and the writing is in capital letters also using bright text so that it stands out.

From 4-7 seconds this is shown. This tells you who they are is association with. The background is dark, writing in capitals letters with bright text so that it stands out.

From 7 - 10 seconds this is shown. This tells you the entertainment productions. The background is dark, the writing is capitals letters with bright text so that it stands out.

 From 21-23 seconds this is shown. light and dark background showing part of the film. The writing is in capitals and bright colour so that i can stand out.

From 24-26 seconds this is shown. This is one of the actors in the film. The dark background which shows you who it is, this is in capital letters and bright writing so that it stands out.

From 26-28 seconds this is shown. This is one of the actors in the film. Dark background is shown so that you can see who it is. Bright writing in capital letters as it stands out.

From 55-57 Seconds this is shown. This shows who the casting is by in the film. Dark background is shown so that the writing in capitals and bright colour stands out.
From 58 - 1 minute this is shown. this shows the visual effect. the background is dark and has bright writing so that it stands out, it is also written in capitals.

1:01 - 1:03 this is shown. This shows who the music is by. The background is dark so you can see the writing in capitals. You can also see part of the film.

From 1:04-1:07 this is shown. This shows additional music and who it is performed by. The background is dark and is written in capital letters to make it stand out.

From 1:07-1:11 this is shown, this tells you who the costume is designed by. The background is dark showing part of the film and is written in capital letters so that it stands out.

From 1:11-1:14 this is shown, this tells you who the film is edited by. The background is dark and shows part of the film, The writing is in capitals and bright colour so that it stands out.

From 1:14-1:16 this is shown, this tells you who the production designer is. The background is dark and the writing stands out because it is in capitals and bright writing.

From 1:17-1:20 this is shown this tells you the director of the photography. The background is dark and the writing is written in capitals to stand out.
From 1:20-1:24 this is shown, this tells you the executive producers. The background is dark and the writing is is written in capitals to stand out.

From 1:33- 1:36 this is shown, this tells you who produced the film. It also shows you part of the film. The background is dark and the writing is in capitals, and bright writing so that it stands out.

From 1:43-1:45 this is shown, this tells you the novel the film is based on. The background is dark and the writing stands out because of the bright colour and capital letters.

From 1:45-1:47 this is shown, this tells you who the screen story is by. The background is dark and stands out with the capital letters as the writing, and the bright colours.

From 2:04 - 2:14 this is shown. this is the title of the film. The background is dark, and the writing is bright bold and stands out.

Film pitch (Groups)

For this task we were asked to put all our ideas together to put together an film opening that would be for a genre horror. In this powerpoint you can see everything that is going to be involved in the film opening.

individual film pitch.

For this task we was asked to think of a film opening. Thinking of this would make it easier to come up with ideas for when put into groups for the real film opening.

Timeline sequence - Mean Girls

From 0-1 second this is shown, this shows the productions of the film. The background is dark with Capital letters and bright writing.

From 1- 3 seconds this is shown, this is one of the actors in the film. The background is dark, the illustrations are appropriate for the film. The writing is in capitals and bright colours.

From 6-8 seconds this is shown, this is one of the actors in the film. The background is dark, the writing is in capitals and using bright colours.

From 8-11 seconds this is shown, this is one of the actors in the film. The background is a bright colour, the writing is in capitals, dark colour.

From 11-14 seconds this is shown, this is one of the actors in the film. The background is dark the writing is in capitals and used bright colours. the illustrations are appropriate to the film genre.

From 15-18 seconds this is shown, this shows you a bit about the film, what it involves. The background is bright the writing is capitals and both dark and bright colours.

From 18-26 seconds this is shown, this shows you the director of the film. the background is dark the writing is in capitals and the colour is both bright and dark.

From 26- 30 seconds this is shown. This shows who has wrote the film. The background is dark.  The colours are dark and light and the writing is in capitals.

From 30-35 seconds this is shown. This is another two actors in the film. The background is dark the writing is in capitals and bright writing.

From 35-40 seconds this is shown. This is the title of the film. The background is dark. The writing is in big bold capitals and in bright writing.