Final Opening

opening title

The light pink and purple background gives the impression that the film is a girly film. Light purple colours make the film look girly and make it also gives off the impression that the film is going to be a teenage girl film. The way the character at the front is standing, on her own and away from the others gives off that she is one of the main characters but she is different to everyone else. The way that the character at the front is dressed differently to the others that are standing in the background also shows that she is different to other girls.The character at the front is dressed in a completely different way to what the others are, this character showing no skin and dressing more mature. Her facial expressions and the way that she is standing also goes to show that they are different to the way in which the other characters are standing. You can also see from the facial expressions of the main character that she doesn't know the other three girls and that why she could be giving them such a 'dirty look'.The three girls at the back show that they are a lot more immature, you can see this by the way that they are dressed, short skirts, kitten heels, and most of them being dressed in pink. The girls could think this would make them more popular.The three girls at the back of the cover could also show that they are important in the film because they are also known as always being together during the film. The way the girls at the back are standing gives off that they could think they are more important then anyone else.
With all the clothes that you can see the characters wearing gives off that is could be a happy cheerful film that will interest teenage girls.
In the trailer of the film you can see this will be a cheerful film by the uplifting music and the characters being happy, smiling and friendly.