Final Opening

Pitch presentation

For this task we were asked to make our own presentaion that told you about the film that we had thought of, in the presentation it includes; what happens in the film, the characters in the film, what each character does, how we would market the film and the plot of the film.
Over all our pitch was giving good marks and a lot of people said they would go and see it. We got marked highly mainly on how different the plot to our film was, it wasn't a typical fantasy film as we made it a lot different for the viewers. We also got good marks for the many ideas we thought of for the promotion and marketing of our product.
The things we could of changed was the amount of characters we had, they were mixed US and UK actors. Some characters didn't have to be in the film they were just put in as extras, Also we didnt mention everything that all the characters do, and all the reasons why we choose them characters. This is a good and bad reason. Good because some of the viewers thought we had to many characters so talking about them more could of bored them. Bad because we could of shortened the character list and made the remaining characters more interesting.